Friday, April 29, 2005

NPR : Returning to My Lai

NPR : Returning to My Lai

This is a story thas caused me to tear up this morning. The anger in the one man's voice who was a survivor got to me. In collage, I did a paper on My Lai and at the time I felt strongly that it was a result of the evils of hierarchal organization. And now I still feel that party, but with age I also put more blame on the individuals. But understanding this capacity for evil still eludes me. I understand people making mistakes and doing the wrong things for what they believe to be the right reasons, but it's hard for me at least o ever imagine killing in the sort of intimate, indescriminante way as ever justifiable. It saddens me though, and I feel the anger as well.

Beautiful Jim Lee watercolor piece

Jim Lee - Supergirl

Wednesday Morning, 3 AM
Originally uploaded by Gelatomettista.
Some nice watercolor work by Jim Lee


The Mars Volta3
Originally uploaded by Gelatomettista.
Nice Hellboy shot

Xbox: LEGO Star Wars

Xbox: LEGO Star Wars

I wasn't all that interested in this game even though I love my Star Wars Legos, but it actually sounds pretty good. I think I will eventually pick it up.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Rockin it, KL style

Originally uploaded by leef_smith.

More from KL

Originally uploaded by leef_smith.

KL Graphitti

KL Graphitti
Originally uploaded by leef_smith.
Some of the best graphiti I've ever seen. MUst have been an art student

The view of Taman Negara from the top of the hill

Wow! Looking at this now, it seems unreal. That day I had hiked up this to see the view and there were actually some Malaysian guys who were on the trail too. Other then that I don't think I saw any Malaysian tourists in the park.

Old German Travel Clock

Old German Travel Clock
Originally uploaded by leef_smith.
Some day I need to get this fixed. How cool would that be?

Korean Compass

Originally uploaded by leef_smith.

The New Avengers

Originally uploaded by leef_smith.
Here's a shot of the New Avengers. Really I'm just playing with flickr

Spider Lake

Google Maps

I like this google maps satellite shot of Lake Powell


Detective Chimp looking pretty freakish. I like.

2nd Printing

Flickr: The Memory Maps Pool

Flickr: The Memory Maps Pool

I want to come back and look at these more. And I'd like to add one for Seoul.

Google Data Center/Gallery

Google Blog

Could this start a whole wave of data center art? Maybe just in my dreams! But who knows what ideas could be sparked? Think about learning about the NOC school in some art history class 30-50 years from now.

Microsoft Criticized for Gay Rights Stance - Yahoo! News

Microsoft Criticized for Gay Rights Stance - Yahoo! News

Okay, could they have picked a fruitier picture of Bill Gates?

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Jat in the

The Jat in the

This guy, Jat, emailed my thru if he could crash. Sorry, but I'm going to be in NZ... Oh well. Looks like he's got a good looking travel blog.

World66 - Home

World66 - Home

I've got to spend more time on this site. It looks like the online travel guide I've been looking for.

Monday, April 25, 2005 � DESOLATION JONES #2 Cover With Graphics � DESOLATION JONES #2 Cover With Graphics

Man! J.H. Williams work is looking better and better. I first got into his art on Chase, which was a series that deserved a longer . But good to see him still putting out great work

Friday, April 22, 2005

adaptive path � it's a whole new internet

adaptive path � it's a whole new internet

Ecellent article on the current state of the web.

Craig's List and Google Maps - Housing


OK, this has to be one of the coolest uses of craig's list XML feeds and google maps. Very clever indeed.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Boing Boing: Why new US passports can be read without permission

Boing Boing: Why new US passports can be read without permission

This is disturbing on a number of levels. This is the US government making deciscion based on face saving? Not a first I'm sure, but still wouldn't it be better to admit the mistake now and move on, rather then having to correct it later in future administration. Uggh!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Monday, April 04, 2005

Boing Boing: Star Wars geeks in line at Grauman's will answer payphone calls

Boing Boing: Star Wars geeks in line at Grauman's will answer payphone calls

Good for them. I waited in line for Episode I at the Coronet here in SF and it was well worth it. Of course, none of us knew what to expect, but it was Star Wars. Though after the last two movies it would be hard to work up the enthusiam for III