Thursday, September 29, 2005

Will Smith in the lower 24

Will Smith to Live, Shoot Movie in SF

So Will's going to be shooting around the bock from me. They've been working on set-dressing York St and 24th this past week. Haven't taken any pictures yet, but I will. It's sort of odd to see them constructing a false wall in front of the side of a building.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Love Parade - SF style

I went to the Love Parade this weekend with my sister and friend. Well, really I just sort of caught the tail end of the parade part, which was okay by me since there seemed to a large spectator contingent. But the part at Civic Center was great. Lots of dancing, Lots of lounging in the sun.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Operation Eden - Amazing Photos from the Wreckage of Katrina

Clayton James Cubitt is posting some amazing stuff on the aftermath from Katrina over at Operation Eden. Well worth the time to check it out and maybe make a donation to help his family out. Thanks to Waren Ellis for the pointer.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


There was a nice interview with Don Kramer on the Pulse today. He's definitely doing some great work on JSA right now and I'm hoping he'll be on the book for a long time to come.

Monday, September 19, 2005


I really liked this thing. I took some video of it, but I haven't figured out the best place to post quick time vids yet. Any ideas?

Boing Boing: New "Y: The Last Man" collection

Boing Boing: New "Y: The Last Man" collection

Nice to see Corey do such a nice write up on Y on Boing Boing. So many read Boing Boing, it's bound to bring in some new readers. It really is a great series and I'm very curious to see how Yorick's Australian adventures work out and if he finds his girlfriend.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Burnt Man

burntSo haven't blogged anything since Burning Man, cause, it's been busy days since then. But it was a great burn, maybe the best so far. Man, that's a special place.