Saturday, September 29, 2007

Critcal Massed in Broadway Tunnel

Did the 15th anniversary Critical Mass last night. the most amazing part riding through the Broadway Tunnel. What a way to rock it out SF-style.

Critcal Massed in Broadway Tunnel from leef on Vimeo.

Friday, September 21, 2007

My Awesome Cousin...

just ran 100 miles, just to see if he could. So friends and family could run a bit with him, he just did 29 3.5 laps around Ashland, Or. Way to go Todd!!!

Some times I forget how amazing my family family truly is.

Local blog write-up

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Was it just a matter of time?

Kinky - Mexican Radio

Secret Swank

I was in LA this weekend and randomly dropped in Secret Headquarters, the swankiest comic shop I've ever seen, bar none. Not aspersions cast on the local Isotope folk which I love, but Secret Headquarters is on a whole other level I neglected to take any picture, but check out their site to see some of the gentleman's club type atmosphere they've created.

I was getting the collected Mouse Guard book, and at the counter I couldn't help but pick up a copy of James Jean's Process Recess 2. Amazingly beautiful stuff. The comic field is very lucky to have an artist of his caliber.