Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Txt Msging and Email are the new drunk dialing

Joey Comeau just recently posted this great little "cover letter" essay, Overqualified: APPLE: fixes before breaks. I'm afraid this is something I've been quite guilty of in the past, misspellings and all. Sometimes we do need to be saved from all our instant modern communication methods. Sometimes we'd be better on writing on clay tablets, or papyrus paper and sealing our missives us in caves.

1 comment:

MichikoStar said...

OMGosh! That ("Overqualified") is hilarious! And I agree, having an impartial judge of our emtional state may be what many people need to function in an overzealous technical society. A hundred years ago, a man would have to walk (possibly miles) to see the woman he yearns for (not gonna happen in the middle of the night with his wife in bed in the next room). Human beings have always had temptations that they could not control but technology DOES make those things more easily accessible and in some ways much more of a problem. Thanks for posting this Leef :)