Monday, May 22, 2006

Six Feet Over

I'm totally behind the curve on this but just this weekend I finally watched season five of Six Feet Under. Wow! This show pulls on my heart-strings on so many levels, but never feels manipulative or cheesy. I think one of the reasons I identify with it so match are the parallels to my own family, two older brothers and a significantly younger sister, with a more distant, needy mother. When bad things happened to any of the any of the siblings, can't help but imagine the same things happening to my own brother or sister. Whenever the repression and alienation between the Fisher's comes to the forefront, I connect to those same issues in my own family. It's sad to think that the series is really over, but I know it's something I'll want to watch over and over throughout my lifetime and see different things in it. There's definitely that sense of richness there. I'm going to miss the idea of new episodes to watch though.

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