Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Inconvenient Truths

Yesterday, I work up to NPR talking about a tyrant ruling over America. It took me quiet some time to figure out that they weren't speaking about our current tyrant, but rather King George III, in the Declaration of Independence. Later in the day I saw Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth and the footage of the 2000 election broke my heart as always. The railing at the current the administration was actually fairly minimal. But bigger then all that, was the message the Al Gore was trying to present in his slideshows and now in this film, that the time for action to prevent catastrophic global warming is now, and that using today's technology and simple steps, we, Americans have can have a profound affect on the problem. Of course that's because we, and our over consumption of resources, are a major part of the problem. Later this month, my Buddhist center is giving a serious of lectures on conscious consumption, which I'm really looking forward to.

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