Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Milked Almonds

My family was macrobiotic when I was a kid. So since we didn't eat any dairy, we made almond cream for our waffles instead of whip cream. It was a fairly involved process of soaking the almonds, pealing off the skins and then blending them with the right amount of water. It was actually really good stuff that I miss. So imagine my surprise to find out that almond milk is being sold commercially now, by Blue Diamond no less! They're selling it as Almond Breeze®, which I think is a pretty strange name. Part of me is amazed that milk alternatives have come so far in 25 years, but another part of me is horrified that corporate almond growers are finding new avenues to sell their products. But it tastes pretty good, though not as good as homemade. Makes me want to make my own Almond cream though....

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