Thursday, May 19, 2005

Episode III in Wellington

Just got out from seeing Episode III at the Embassy, the same theatre they did the Return of the King premier at. The theatre is quite nice and very well restored. An in the lobby are two plaques with a cave troll and another with Golem as tokens of appreciation from Weta. And NZ follows the European style of letting you have a drink as you watch a movie! As promised Ep III was much, much darker with very like of the "funny" bits like the last two Star Wars. And everything dove-tailed very well, like it could fit together as 6 movies. And seeing the birth of Darth Vader is really something. Shame it took Lucas 3 films to really find his groove again.

So far I'm loving Wellington, it's finally something that feels like a real city, with people out and about and everything. Of course it's a bit smallish cornered in by hills and water, but there were plenty of 'burbs on the drive in. It's situated in a smallish cove with hills on all sides. The downtown feels like a real downtown and there's even access to a bit of wharf. The plan is to stay here through Sunday and see a bit more of the city and then take the ferry to the South Island. Should be spectacular.

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